10 Tips to Reduce Carbon Footprint When Travelling

Travelling is a wonderful experience, but it’s important to be mindful of our carbon footprint and its impact on the environment. By making conscious choices and adopting eco-friendly practices, we can reduce our environmental impact while still enjoying our adventures. In this article, we will explore 10 practical ways to reduce your carbon footprint when travelling. From choosing sustainable accommodations to minimizing waste, these tips will help you travel more responsibly and contribute to a greener future.

Photo by Julia Volk

1. Opt for Sustainable Accommodations:

Choose eco-friendly accommodations that prioritise sustainability. Look for hotels or resorts that use eco-friendly practices, such as sustainable bathroom accessories. These establishments often employ energy-efficient practices, use renewable energy sources, and recycle waste. Alternatively, consider staying in eco-lodges or guesthouses that are built with sustainable materials and follow environment-friendly practices.

Photo by Thorsten technoman

2. Pack Light:

Packing light not only makes your travel more convenient but also reduces the carbon emissions associated with transportation. The heavier the load, the more fuel is required to transport it. Pack only the essentials and choose versatile clothing items that can be mixed and matched. Consider using lightweight luggage made from sustainable materials like recycled plastics or organic fabrics.

3. Use Sustainable Transportation:

Whenever possible, choose sustainable transportation options like trains or buses instead of flying. If flying is necessary, opt for non-stop flights as take-offs and landings contribute significantly to carbon emissions. When exploring your destination, use public transportation, walk, or rent bikes instead of relying on taxis or rental cars. Car-sharing services and electric vehicle rentals are also eco-friendly alternatives.

Photo by Alex Qian

4. Offset Your Carbon Emissions:

Consider offsetting your carbon emissions by investing in carbon offset projects. These projects fund initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as renewable energy or reforestation projects. Many airlines now offer carbon offset programs that allow you to contribute towards offsetting the emissions generated by your flight. Calculate your emissions using online carbon calculators and donate to certified offset programs to neutralize your travel impact.

5. Choose Direct Routes:

When planning your itinerary, opt for direct routes whenever possible. Multiple layovers and connecting flights consume more fuel and produce higher emissions. Direct flights not only reduce your travel time but also minimise your carbon footprint. They may cost more upfront, but often save money in the long run by reducing expenses like meals, terminal transportation, and overnight stays due to missed connections.

6. Conserve Water and Energy:

Practice water and energy conservation wherever you stay. Take shorter showers, reuse towels, and turn off lights and air conditioning when you’re not in the room. Unplug electronic devices and chargers when they’re not in use to avoid unnecessary energy consumption. By being mindful of your resource usage, you can help reduce the environmental impact of your stay anywhere in the world.

Photo by Pragyan Bezbaruah

7. Support Local and Sustainable Food:

Explore local cuisine and support restaurants that prioritise sustainable and organic food practices. Choose establishments that source their ingredients locally to reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation. Avoid eating endangered or unsustainable seafood and opt for vegetarian or vegan options whenever possible. Additionally, carry a reusable water bottle and say no to single-use plastics. Follow the local customs while dining at restaurants.

8. Minimise Waste:

Reduce waste by adopting a zero-waste travel mindset. Carry a reusable shopping bag, water bottle, and utensils to avoid disposable items. Say no to single-use plastics, such as straws and plastic bags. Properly dispose of your waste in recycling or compost bins, following local waste management practices. If you’re in a remote area without proper waste facilities, carry your waste with you until you can dispose of it responsibly.

Photo by Belle Co

9. Respect Local Wildlife and Environment:

When exploring natural areas, respect the local wildlife and environment. Stay on designated trails to avoid damaging delicate ecosystems. Do not feed or disturb animals, and keep a safe distance to avoid stressing them. Refrain from taking anything from nature, such as shells, corals, or rocks, as this may disrupt the natural balance. Be mindful of your actions and leave the environment as you found it, or even better.

10. Support Sustainable Tourism Initiatives:

Seek out and support tourism initiatives that prioritise sustainability and benefit local communities. Engage in responsible wildlife tourism, such as ethical wildlife sanctuaries or eco-friendly safaris. Choose tour operators that follow sustainable practices and respect cultural traditions. By being a responsible traveller, you can contribute to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage while supporting the local economy.

Photo by Luis del Río


Travelling sustainably is not only about reducing your carbon footprint but also about leaving a positive impact on the places you visit. By implementing these 10 practical tips, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact while still enjoying enriching travel experiences. Remember, every small action counts, and together we can create a more sustainable and responsible travel industry. So, make conscious choices, be mindful of your resource usage, and inspire others to travel with a greener mindset.

So book your next sustainable holiday only on OnGoEazy!

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